Drew Doughty  wins the game with, can you believe this, 0.4 SECONDS LEFT!!!..."/> Drew Doughty  wins the game with, can you believe this, 0.4 SECONDS LEFT!!!..."/>

Kings Win? Last Second Goal By Drew Doughty Gives Kings The 3-2 Lead


Oh no he didn’t!?! Oh yes he did!?! Drew Doughty  wins the game with, can you believe this, 0.4 SECONDS LEFT!!!   Columbus Blue Jackets’ Derek Dorsett  couldn’t believe it and took it out on his stick, slamming it against the goal and snapping it in half. There’s a lot of speculation going around that the Staples Center clock paused at 1.8 seconds for about 1/2 a second which could have affected the outcome of this game. I think we got a lucky call for once, so I’ll take it and celebrate a win in regulation against the  Columbus Blue Jackets (3-2). If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.

I was so excited for the Kings to be back playing after the NHL All Star break that I became completely immersed in the game and on the edge of my seat most of the game. Then I remembered I should probably be taking some notes. That was about 8 minutes into the first period. Then at 8 minutes and 40 seconds in, Justin Williams scored a power play goal with an assist from Drew Doughty. The 1st period ended with the Kings having a 1-0 lead and with the Kings shots on goal at 13 and Columbus shots on goal at 9.

The 2nd period started with a Kings video clip that shows some of the players walking into Staples nicely dressed up in their suits. My girlfriends and I have come to the conclusion that hockey guys must be born with this innate style swag. Pair that with nice flow (hockey hair) and you’re golden. Anyways, the 2nd period started out with a goal from Blue Jackets’ Derek Dorsett at 1:09 into the period. Not exactly the kind of start you want as a Kings fan. Luckily for us, it got pretty exciting with a sweet unassisted goal from #25, Dustin Penner at 14:32 minutes in. During a break in this period, Kings Vision had one of their Scoreboard Features. The question this time around was “Who is late the most on the team?” There were 14 responses and Drew Doughty, or “Dewey” as his teammates refer to him, took the lead with five guys picking him as most late. A close second was Willie Mitchell with four counts. Rob Scuderi had two, Dustin Penner joked he would pick himself but then changed his answer, and still ended up with one vote for him. Kevin Westgarth and Mike Richards also had one vote for most late.

About 5:00 minutes into the 3rd period, Columbus Blue Jackets’ Colton Gillies scored to tie up the game 2-2. Then the Kings had the “Guess The Player” segment. Jay Flats interviewed two fans who were to guess the player off of the given clues. I hate to brag, but I got it after the first clue, and the guessers didn’t get in until after the third clue. The first one was “This player was born in Melville, Saskatchewan, Canada in 1982.” “Stolly!”, I screamed. Well, I wasn’t playing the game so I didn’t win anything but a high-five from the people sitting next to me. One more side note, I love that everyone still yells “LUUUUUUUUUC” whenever Hall of Famer Luc Robitaille is shown on the jumbo tron. He will forever be my favorite. Throughout the course of the 3rd period I had to burn off at least 1/3 of my dinner from the number of times I kept jumping up because I thought the Kings had scored. As the final minute approached, all I could think was “SHOOT! Here we go. Just another overtime and/or shoot out.” The Kings have had about 1/3 of their first 50 games going in to either overtime or a shoot out and to have to endure another one would be torture. Well in the last few seconds, the Kings had an incredible presence on net and just kept firing against Blue Jackets’ goalie Curtis Sanford. That’s when the unbelievable happened with 0.4 seconds left. And I don’t just mean that the Kings actually scored on another power play! Defense man Drew Doughty scored in the final second (which I hear is under the review of the NHL), with an assist from fellow defense man Jack Johnson and Assistant Captain Anze Kopitar. No overtime! No teeth clenching, heart-stopping shoot out! Woo! The Kings are headed out for a six-game road trip that will include some team bonding time. The Kings will play the St. Louis Blues Friday at 5:00 pm (PST), and hopefully bring home all 12 points. Hey, a girl can dream right? Go Get ‘Em Kings!